Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Basketball Wives: Bullying taken to far

So I'm a fanatic of trashy, reality TV and Basketball Wives is no different. However even I have to say I've been disgusted with the behavior of the grown woman (specifically Tami) in these past two episodes. For those who don't watch Basketball Wives let me give you a quick summary. VH1 producers follow the lives of women who spouses are in the NBA. But you can already tell this show is about drama because out all nine women only three have been officially married to NBA players (Shaunie, Jennifer, and Kenya). This current season VH1 adds southern, dancer Kesha and knife happy Kenya. The season starts off rocky for Kesha after meeting (for the first time) Tami and Tami says she looks "more like an Alicia than a Kesha". From then on Kesha and Tami had issues that weren't really resolved because of the heresay from their friends. Fast forward to the Tahiti trip, the situation spirled out of control.  It was clear Tami still had a problem with Kesha but only decided to say something when she had some liquid courage (one tequila shot). Tami immeadiately goes into a rant about why Kesha told Suzie (another basketball girlfriend) that she "could have gone off on Tami" but didn't want to make her look bad because she was doing that perfectly on her own. While Tami is hollering and cursing, Kesha is simply sitting there, mouth shut. Most people believe Kesha is weak and has no backbone but quite frankly I believe she is smart and calculated. I don't think Kesha would let someone belittle her unless she knew there was a chance of being hit. If this same conversation happened with a less physically confrontational person, Kesha would have spoken up. But Kesha realized with Tami she was screwed either way so she left the table and went back to her room.

When Kesha left the table she, stupidly, left her purse and Tami decided to hold it hostage to force an apology out of Kesha for her comment. However Kesha felt like she didn't owe Tami an apology and decided to get the authorities but that plan was quickly thrawted by Suzie.  Meanwhile Kesha is hysterical and looks like a child kicked down by the worst school bully in history. Suzie once agains runs to Tami and tells her Kesha was going to report her bag stolen. Tami goes to Kesha's room and gives the purse back and says she not going to hit Kesha because of how pitiful she looks. After that fiasco, the next morning Kesha is at peace and happy to leave the foreign country to get back to the States. While the other girls are sad, they are understand  and believe this is the right choice for Kesha.

Opinion Time: We may have thought the Kardashian family were awful but Tami has now become reality TV's worst villian. If Tami would have picked anyone to fight with, viewers wouldn't have care. But she picked Kesha, a woman who rationalizes confrontation with her words and not her fists. Tami believe she deserves a free past because Kesha doesn't understand how she grew up. Tami, you are a 41 year old grown woman with two daughters who look up to strong black women to aspire to and this what you put on TV? There is not an excuse in the world that let me give Tami a pass and Kesha agrees. What really bothers me is Shaunie and Evelyn's behavior through out this altercation. On one hand they feel bad for Kesha but on the other they see Tami's side. Evelyn can save those crocodile tears for someone who cares because if you stand up for what is right, you either support Kesha 100% or you don't. If I were Kesha, I would have been just as mad at Suzie because she ran back and told Tami that comment. Kesha has a right to say what ever she wants but I wish she wouldn't have said in front of Suzie the snitch.

Viewers are signing petitions to cancel this show and future spin offs and as mad as I am, I'm not going to sign it. If you don't like the show don't watch it but, don't make a petition like this is a political issue hampering the improvement of Americans' lives. TV shows are for entertainment if you something intellectual go watch a documentary on PBS.

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